Commitment to Community and Vision for the Future
The Hamner mission is to boldly serve and heal our communities through conversation-provoking theatre in creative spaces. #letstalkaboutit
“No matter what answers come, the very act of questioning makes an essential contribution to the enterprise of criticism.”
Elinor Fuchs
From the Board:
“The Hamner is Theatre for Social Change and believes theatre should be a bold community conversation. Theatre is unadulterated and uninterrupted permission to examine deeper into the makings of Self and society by boldly exploring untold stories of unknown communities through performances of original, contemporary, and classic theatre that engage thought and conversation during post-show discussion.”
“To provide a forum in which the real traumas and divisions within the community can be confronted through performances of new and canonical works and through civil, constructive conversations arising from those performances.”
“To foster connections through performance and community interaction that embraces diversity, creativity, education, and cultural outreach.”
Vision Statements (a living document):
- a consistent community presence and engagement
- space-making for all through theatrical storytelling
- intentional inclusive innovative
- paying all artists