Doors open at 6:30 pm. Bar/Food 6:30pm, Show 7:30pm
Tickets are $15, with food (by reservation only)
Please call 434-361-1999 for reservations.
This improvisational theater troupe of actors, dancers & musicians takes stories from the audience and re-tells them. The results are funny, insightful, often moving and always entertaining. Participation is NOT mandatory but is a great deal of fun!
Doors open at 6:30 pm. Food is served from 6:30pm.
Tickets, by reservation only, are $15, which includes food.
For reservations call 434 361 1999.
from Charlottesville Playback Theatre :
Playback is an original form of improvisational theatre, a unique collaboration between performers and audience. Someone tells a story or moment from their life, chooses actors to play the different roles, and then watches as their story is immediately recreated and given artistic shape. Many artistic variations are possible within the structure and rhythm of a performance event.
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