All cabaret shows begin at 7:30 pm, Doors open at 6:30 pm.
Tickets are $15, with food (by reservation only)
Please call 434-361-1999 for reservations.
This Charlottesville guitarist/songwriter has just released his 5th album, The Velvet Rut, a mix of folk, jazz, country & blues. Read about Paul Curreri’sThe Velvet Rut, Reviewed by Christy Claxton in Stave Magazine:
His songwriting is a long way from mainstream and therefore, absolutely mesmerizing and interesting…The Velvet Rut comes on edgy and dirty, moves into rootsy, bluesy places, feels a little Appalachian at times, and maybe a bit like folk, but it doesn’t make a commitment to any of them. This is just more evidence of Curreri’s musical skill and mastery. Acoustic, electric, electronica, distorted, fragile, in your face all thrown into the mix for a delightful listen.
Click here or herefor more about Paul Curreri.
A storyteller at heart, and one of those rare performers able to intoxicate an audience at will … with his heady world of old-time jazz and stark country blues…unravel these complex rhythms and delicate melodies, and at their core lies a fragile tunesmith with heart on his sleeve. Americana (UK)
“Curreri plays the guitar like a man possessed. You half expect tears to appear on the face of his instrument.” Oxford Town
“Spontaneous and poetic, twisting guitar parts, and shuffling rhythmic patterns. His routines thankfully haven’t been hammered into regular shape.” The Independent (UK)
“To relay that he’s a guitar virtuoso, elegant singer and master storyteller would miss the point somewhat, for this is a man who truly transcends any number of descriptions. Utterly, utterly captivating.” Manchester Sounds of the City
“A ruffled gypsy gutter cowboy – his songs paint images that wake the brain – a true life adventure – a bright new voice.” Aer Stephen 91.1 FM, WTJU, Charlottesville
“Curreri sounds like the sum of the best folk musicians from across the country, ground up into pulp, and deposited into one hip vessel.” The Hook
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